Court Alternative Dispute Resolution Service (CADRES) Committee

Type: Standing Committee
Established: 1996; successor to Court Mediation Services Committee (est. 1978)
Chair: Hon. Peter Malia, Maine District Court
Reports: annually to the Chief Justice and upon request


I. Purpose: 

Pursuant to 4 M.R.S. section 18-B(6), the purpose of the Court Alternative Dispute Resolution Service (CADRES) Committee is to set policy for and monitor CADRES, which provides ADR services throughout the state.

II. Duties: 

The Committee will: 

  • Advise the State Court Administrator and approve the hiring of the Director of CADRES, pursuant to 4 M.R.S.section 8-B(4)
  • Adopt policies and procedures for the provision of ADR services by CADRES;
  • Adopt policies and procedures for the conduct of ADR providers through CADRES; 
  • Review CADRES training and continuing education programs for ADR providers; 
  • Review rules, proposals and forms concerning the provision of ADR services through CADRES; 
  • Assist in setting priorities for CADRES; 
  • Review and evaluate budget information for CADRES and the CADRES Fund, established pursuant to 4 M.R.S. section 18-B(8)
  • Hear appeals of any action taken by the CADRES Director regarding a complaint against an ADR provider, pursuant to Rule II (3)(C) of the CADRES Operational Rules; and 
  • Make recommendations to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, the State Court Administrator, and the Trial Court Chiefs.

III. Authority:

The Committee may seek input, suggestions, and recommendations from individuals and groups within and outside the Judicial Branch. The Committee is authorized to study procedures considered by or in effect in other court systems and any other model procedures. It is authorized to consult with any person or organization as necessary. 

The Committee may, through its Chair, request such additional authority from the Chief Justice as may prove necessary to achieve the Committee's purpose. There is no additional funding authorized for the work of the Committee. Clerical assistance will be provided through the Administrative Office of the Courts.

IV. Membership: 

Members are appointed for terms of up to three years by the Chief Justice of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court. Members may be reappointed for two additional terms. The membership of the CADRES Committee is set forth in 4 M.R.S. section 18 B(6) and the individual members will be named in a separate roster.

V. Meetings: 

The Committee meets three times per year, or on a schedule determined by the Chair. 

VI. Reporting: 

The Committee will submit a written report to the Chief Justice annually.

VI. Committee Duration: 

The CADRES Committee is a Standing Committee of the Judicial Branch.

Dated: November 1, 2011 

Approved by:
Leigh I. Saufley Chief Justice, Maine Supreme Judicial Court

Membership Roster

Updated effective November 25, 2024

Until March 1, 2025
Hon. Robert Laskey, Family Law Magistrate

Until September 1, 2025
Hon. Peter Malia (Chair)

Until September 1, 2026
Hon. Patrick C. Larson

Until September 1, 2027
Alicia M. Cushing, Esq.
Margaret MacDougal, Esq.
Stefan J. Jackson, Esq.

Additional Members:
Diane E. Kenty, Esq., CADRES Director 

Jenny Anderson, Director of Court Operations

Vacant, Manager of Civil Process and Foreclosure Diversion Program

Associate Justice Rick E. Lawrence, Maine Supreme Judicial Court, Judicial Liaison

Statutory Membership

Excerpt from 4 M.R.S. section 18-B

6. Court Alternative Dispute Resolution Service Committee. The Court Alternative Dispute Resolution Service Committee, or "committee," is established to set policy for and monitor the Court Alternative Dispute Resolution Service. The committee consists of: 

  1. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court or a designee; 
  2. The Chief Justice of the Superior Court or a designee; 
  3. The Chief Judge of the District Court or a designee; 
  4. The State Court Administrator or a designee; 
  5. A Justice of the Superior Court, who is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court; 
  6. A Judge of the District Court, who is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court; and 
  7. Any additional members appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court that the Chief Justice considers necessary to the committee's operation.