Advisory Committee on the Rules of Civil Procedure

Membership Roster

Until October 1, 2024
Travis Brennan, Esq., of Lewiston (2)

Until September 1, 2025
Erica M. Johanson, Esq., of Portland (3)
Amy P. Dieterich, Esq., of Auburn (3)
Eric J. Wycoff, Esq., of Portland (Chair) (3)

Until September 1, 2026
Amy Olfene, Esq., of Portland (1)
Katherine T. McGovern, Esq., of Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Portland (2)
Allison A. Economy, Esq., of Bangor (1)
Sandra L. Guay, Esq., of Portland (1)

Until March 1, 2027
Jeffrey A. Thaler, Esq., of Portland (2)
Simon Beirne, Esq., of Augusta (1)

Members ex officio
Thomas Knowlton, Assistant Attorney General- designee of the Attorney General
Elizabeth G. Stouder, Esq.- as Chair of the U.S.D.C. Local Rules Committee
Justice Thomas McKeon, Maine Superior Court, trial court liaison
Judge John Lucy, Maine District Court, trial court liaison


Supreme Judicial Court Liaison
Associate Justice Wayne R. Douglas

Updated July 15, 2024