York County Courthouse Project Team

Established: Docket No. SJC-144 on December 9, 2016
Chair: Active Retired Justice Thomas E. Humphrey, Supreme Judicial Court


The York County Courthouse Project Team (YCCPT) will oversee the ongoing development of plans and design for the new consolidated Courthouse in York County.

Membership in the YCCPT may be altered or augmented at the discretion of the Chief Justice. Justice Thomas E. Humphrey shall serve as Chair, unless otherwise determined by the Chief Justice and may be joined by the Chiefs of the Superior and District Court when they are available.

The Chair shall receive the assistance of the Administrative Office of the Courts and shall convene meetings of the Team as often as necessary to provide timely input and guidance to the architects and builders.

The goal of the Team is to design a courthouse that will provide the best public service possible within available funds; assure that the building is dignified, safe, and efficient; and represent all of the best practices and current information in courthouse design related to public service, safety, and technology.

Dated: October 28, 2022

Chief Justice Valerie Stanfill
Maine Supreme Judicial Court

Membership Roster

  Active Retired Justice Thomas E. Humphrey, Supreme Judicial Court (Chair)
  Justice Wayne R. Douglas, RJ – Superior Court
  Judge Jeffrey Moskowitz, RJ – District Court
  Magistrate Lindsay Cadwallader
  Amy Quinlan, State Court Administrator
  Julie Howard, Manager of Operations, York County Courts
  Jeremy Gray, Director of Court Facilities, MJB AOC
  Ted Ross, JB Marshal, or designee
  David Packard, CIO or designee
  Chief Justice Valerie Stanfill, ex officio