Maine Courts Response to COVID-19

Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Management Orders

Starting in March 2020, the Judicial Branch issued a series of Pandemic Management Orders (PMOs) and Post-Pandemic Management Orders (PPMOs) to address health and safety concerns raised by the COVID-19 pandemic and to make necessary changes to court practices, processes, and procedures as a result of the pandemic.

As the circumstances of the pandemic and the needs of the courts have changed, beginning in 2023, the Judicial Branch revised and rescinded several of the PMOs and PPMOs. In addition, because many of the practices, processes, and procedures implemented by the PMOs proved to be effective and efficient, the Supreme Judicial Court determined to continue some of the practices, processes, and procedures in PMOs that remain in effect. The Court has also incorporated some provisions from prior PMOs into Administrative Orders (referenced below).

Related Administrative Orders

Rescinded PMOs

The following PMOs were previously or are now rescinded:

  • PMO-SJC-1 (compendium of multiple provisions);
  • PMO-SJC-2(B) through (E) (governing electronic filing of certain motions directly bearing on a defendant's liberty interests, termination dates for extended deadlines, and face-to-face or in‑person contacts with children and families);
  • PMO-SJC-5 (quarantine procedures);
  • PMO-SJC-6 (prescribing emergency rules for forcible entry and detainer (eviction) cases)
  • PMO-SJC-7 (remote proceedings and public access);
  • PMO-SJC-9 (screening questions upon entry to a court facility);
  • PMO-SJC-10 (procedures for hearing child protection cases); and,
  • PMO-SJC-11(extending continuing legal education deadlines).
  • PMO-SJC-12 (creating a pilot project for stand-alone small claims mediation)
  • PMO-SJC-4 (Administration of the 2021 Maine Bar Exam) is no longer in effect.