Judicial Branch Warns about Court-related Scam Calls

Date: 3/3/2025

The Maine Judicial Branch is warning people today about scam telephone calls falsely claiming to be from law enforcement demanding that the person called pay a fine over the telephone supposedly because the person did not report for jury duty. The caller may claim that the call is related to jury service in a Judicial Branch court but if challenged, may change their story to say they are calling about federal court jury service or jury selection. These calls are scams.

Court staff and law enforcement never call and request personal or financial information or money over the telephone or threaten people who don't comply. Most contact between the Judicial Branch and people who have been contacted for jury service is by U.S. Mail.

"If you receive a call from someone claiming to be from the courts or law enforcement and demanding money, end the call immediately," said Judicial Branch Director of Legal Affairs and Public Relations Barbara Cardone. Never send money or provide personal or financial information in response to this kind of call or email.

For more information contact: Barbara Cardone, Esq., Director of Legal Affairs and Public Relations Barbara.Cardone@courts.maine.gov

207-213-2803 (office)

Supporting documents

PR on Court-related Scam Calls